Subtract The Galaxy Effect

The effect of this time is different from the previous effect, because you need the right material to make the effect, therefore you must have a galaxy image, you can download in Google or Google Image Downloader, after the material you have prepared can be instantly view. Tutorial. Below and you can also see the tutorial, before this in the home menu like Blue Eye Effect In Photoshop tutorial and much more.

Ok just look  under the simple tutorial we have created and if you are confused you can comment in the comments field or you can contact on the menu Contact Us good luck.

Open Image In Folder

We start taking the material first like the image that I have in screen, you can also use Ctrl+o on your keyboard.

Open Folder
Select The Image
Choose Quick Selection Tool

You can select the Quick Selection Tool in the Toolbar menu or maybe you can choose Polygonal Lasso Tool, but if you want to choose your quick method just choose quick selection tool. 

Choose Quick Selection Tool

Drag the face of the model using the Quick Selection Tool you have selected as shown below.
Drag The Face
Type Keyboard Ctrl+J

After you finish dragging using the Quick Selection Tool, the next step you type in the keyboard that you use Ctrl+J so that on the layers menu automatically appears layer 1 this process can be called cutting object.
Results from Type Keyboard Ctrl + J
 add threshold in menu photoshop

After you click Threshold in the Photoshop menu now you set the threshold level, adjust the model you use like the example image below then click ok.

Click Threshold
Adjust Threshold Level With Your Model

Select Color Range

Then after you set your selected Threshold now go to Photoshop menu next to menu Type there is menu Select roll down and select color range.

Choose Color Range
Adjust Like This Picture

Add New Document

We go to the new document now you type in the keyboard you are using Ctrl + N as shown below.

Click Ok
Create a new fill or adjustment layer and select this Pattern so that the background will match the effect we will create later.

Select Fill Pattern
This is the result of the pattern

Add Move Tool
After you create the document now you select Move Tool and drag the model face to your new document.

Move Tool
Drag the face of this model to document
Like This
Copy Image Galaxy
Now it's time to copy the galaxy image and paste it in the document you just created like the example image below.
Copy this image to the document you have created
After that type Alt and left click on the mouse you use, and its result like the following example.

Put the layer 2 image into layer 1 using Alt click

And this is the result
Next Step Add Text

Follow the steps like in the picture below, here I make a Tutorials Photosho 7 and you make your own writing, this is just an example only.

Add Text
Text Type

Adjust the text you have made to look neat is very influential on the final result.

This Is An Example
 Back To The Galaxy Image

Copy the Galaxy Image like the step you have passed, because it will beautify the text, so that the final result looks perfect.

Alt Click
After Alt Click
The Final Result
Okay buddy up here for this tutorial if you have difficulty in this tutorial, you can contact me or you can comment in comment column, and do not forget you to keep follow me because there will be more interesting tutorial again from this tutorial, and until meet again.