Photo Processing Tutorial With HDR Effect

What is HDR?
HDR stands for High-dynamic-range, in HDR effect called High dynamic range, HDR is a series of techniques used in imaging photography to produce greater dynamic illumination range.

Actually HDR photos can be obtained with a camera that features HDR only the lack of the number of detail images that can be recorded depends on the conditions of light at that time so that the recorded picture is often not maximal.

I will give the picture the end result of HDR effects, you can see below this text!.

The original image.
The final effect.

That's the picture before and after I give the HDR effect, in this tutorial I will give tips on using HDR Toning in Photoshop. Let's get started.

Open The Image File
File > Open > Select the desired file.

Select the desired file.
Open Menu
Image > Adjustment > HDR Toning.

An image menu dialog box.
Set Preset to Custom, Method to Local Adaptation, Edge Glow with Radius 13, Strength 0,52 and check box Smooth Edge, Tone and Detail with Gamma 1.00, Exposure -0.05, and Detail +68, Advanced with Shadow -50, Highlight 0, Vibrance +60, and Saturation +20, Toning Curves and Histogram with Input 57 and Output 50.

HDR toning dialog box display.
And look at the end result we will achieve, after we use the HDR effect.

The final result.

Tips On Setting HDR Toning

In addition to the Custom Presets in the preset box a lot of HDR Toning settings that have been set by Adobe Photoshop like effects, you can choose the ready-made effects, It's just the settings already provided by Adobe Photoshop sometimes not in accordance with what we want.

Settings HDR toning effect.

It's good for you to keep improvising in HDR toning settings to get the right dynamic range for each of you, do not be too fixated on the settings I've given because every photo and image has different dynamic range needs.